Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Bad Dogs!

Do I ever have pictures today!

Why the title? Because the pups are at "that age". They completely trashed the pen last night, there was water everywhere this morning, they dumped the litter box and then rolled in the mess. Bath time again tomorrow!

I woke up at 5:30 am this morning to loud barking, howling and general mayhem. Looking for the source I discovered little Black Girl running round the house. She has climbed out of the pen and her littermates were alerting the household of the escape.

I put her back in the pen and within minutes she was out again, followed by Yellow Girl. I gave them their breakfast hoping maybe they'd all go back to sleep again after they ate and "forget" they knew how to climb out. But as soon as they finished, Black and Yellow were on the loose again.

Crate Dogs
The decision was made to change the ex-pen around and give it higher sides. We decided to wait until the pups could go out on the deck to do that, so the two escape artists were confined to a crate for several hours. They were surprisingly good!

Yard Dogs

The pups have spent a lot of time outside on the deck and have been out into the dirt street several times with a few wanderings off the side of the road into the yard. But today they got their first chance to run loose in the yard with Mama Raven.

The LOVED it! I have never seen puppies take to a new situation so quickly. There was no hesitating at the bottom of the steps, no desire to stick close to the house, they hit the grass running....

Purple and Red enjoyed checking out the flowers...

Raven watches over her kids proudly...

Black and Yellow had a picnic....

Deck Dogs

After a lengthy romp in the yard, they went back on the the deck (Yellow climbed the steps by herself!!) for a nap and lunch.

Meanwhile their pen has been made taller to prevent further escapes. And I think I'm going to only let them have the water bowl for short periods of time...SUPERVISED short periods of time! And I'm goign to start leaving the light over the pen off at night. Maybe they'll get the idea that they are supposed to sleep when it's dark.