Wednesday, May 18, 2005

6 Weeks Old

A Big Day For Little Dogs

The puppies entertained visitors this afternoon.... my friend Mary Jo and her daughter Lindsey came down to see the pups. Mary Jo and Lindsey own daddy-dog Riggs so they have a special interest in these guys.

We took them outside and they got their first chance to run around on dirt. They loved it! They also got VERY tired which accounts for the doped-up look some of them have in the pictures above.

Mary Jo confirmed that it is not my imagination when I say these pups are exceptionally consistent. Kind of a surprise because although both Raven and Riggs are part Polar Mist, it really is a bit of an outcross. It's still too early to make any decisions on which puppies will go to what homes but we are starting to get a feel for their personalities. The next few weeks are going to fly by.....

Gone Again

Kelly, Babe, Kira and I are hitting the road again bright and early tomorrow morning for Cortez, Colorado so no more pupdates until next Monday. As always the Raven-Cam will be up while we are gone.